Sunday, January 19, 2014

Amateur Hour

We gave Max a camera today, which was Courtney's first digital camera from college. We were extremely impressed with his photography skills, we thought we should share. These pics below are 100% from Max. Straight from the eyes of a 2 year old boy. He took pictures of his favorite things; some of which I never even thought of to take a picture of (Thomas the Tank Engine on his iPad). He was very excited and, remarkably, very good. His framing was textbook perfect, but he just couldn't quite keep his finger off the lens because the camera was so heavy that he needed both of his little hands just to hold it. He knew exactly how to work it, both physically and metaphorically. We would say "Cheese!" and FLASH! Check these out below.

His first shot

His second shot

His favorite subject

That finger just kept creeping in

See? His favorite subject

"A" for effort

Our neighbor and his best friend, Harrison

We'll blame this one on the camera

Our neighbor's dog, Kita, checking out all the commotion next door

Forrest's dog, George, was also a favorite subject

A little out of focus, but c'mon, he's 2!

The photographer may change, but Forrest's patented pose never does

I mean, he's a natural (Harrison and Max)

Perfect framing

He loves his mommy (and Lucy)

Max hunted Lucy down for this beauty

He knows what he loves

There were about a dozen more like this

You think he loves his Lucy?

What else is his favorite thing? Well Thomas the Tank Engine of course

He's 2!

I promise, this was Max. This might be one of he best photos of us together.


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