Kudos to Max...he's covering up the Ole Miss logo on Chris' shirt. |
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Uncle Chris Does Dallas
chris davis,
Wylie, TX, USA
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
4mo check-up
Max had his 4 month check-up today. He is in the 70th percentile in weight and height. We have a big boy!
Height: 24 1/2 inches
Legs are straight.
Head is a perfect shape.
Eyes followed the light and focused correctly.
Doc told us drooling would be an issue in the coming months but that was something we ALREADY knew. Max can soak a bib in less than 10 minutes.
Max took his immunization shots like an Alabama football player (a champ). Mom stood in the corner while Dad held his hands this time.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Lucy and myself did our motherly duties tonight. Lucy snuggled up with daddy (her baby) and I took care of Max. This was my first night of "cry it out." I knew I would never leave the room to let him cry it out alone but I also didn't want to keep picking him up and gaining bad habits. So while Max cried in his big boy crib I was across the nursery reading our blog out loud on the iPad. I thought the comfort of my voice would calm him and the boringness of our blog would put him to sleep. Wrong! Max was not going down without a fight which reminded me of his entry into this world. He pulled all his tricks but a new one got me straight in the heart. He reached his little chubby hand out of the crib slates towards me. "Aghh, stay strong Courtney" is what I was saying over and over.
But here I am blogging in my own bed next to my sleeping husband and dog saying (probably prematurely) that Max is asleep. I will have to update this tomorrow with how many trips I have to make tonight. Wish me luck!
Update: overall it was a successful night. He woke up for his feedings and went to sleep in my arms then I successfully transferred him to the crib. That is where we normally have issues because sleeping in your arms is apparently way better than the crib. We moved him down to our room at 6 because he was awake and I wanted him close by. But he made mommy super proud and went back to bed till 8:30. Lucky us! Hoping tonight is just as good.
But here I am blogging in my own bed next to my sleeping husband and dog saying (probably prematurely) that Max is asleep. I will have to update this tomorrow with how many trips I have to make tonight. Wish me luck!
Update: overall it was a successful night. He woke up for his feedings and went to sleep in my arms then I successfully transferred him to the crib. That is where we normally have issues because sleeping in your arms is apparently way better than the crib. We moved him down to our room at 6 because he was awake and I wanted him close by. But he made mommy super proud and went back to bed till 8:30. Lucky us! Hoping tonight is just as good.
The good life ...
Ms. Nicole sent me the following photo yesterday. Without even reading her email, I knew what my boy was saying ... "Next book please, I'm done with this one."

Since Day 1, Max liked variety and a change of view, position, you name it. And he politely gives you about 60 seconds before his grumbling turns into a full on cry. My mom says he gets his temper from me but I think it is the fiery red head in him! So when max gives you this look and follows it with a fussy grumble then you KNOW he is done/disinterested and it is time to move on.
Since Day 1, Max liked variety and a change of view, position, you name it. And he politely gives you about 60 seconds before his grumbling turns into a full on cry. My mom says he gets his temper from me but I think it is the fiery red head in him! So when max gives you this look and follows it with a fussy grumble then you KNOW he is done/disinterested and it is time to move on.
Location:Dallas,United States
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Lucy and Max get to know each other
When we first got Lucy, we quickly realized how special she is. She can be so excited to see someone new that she'll break Christmas ornaments with her tail, but when she chills out just relaxes, she's at her finest. All four of us were spread out on the couch when Max decided he wanted to touch a few more things...and Lucy let him. She's such a good girl, but really, didn't we all already know that?
Monday, December 5, 2011
Day with Daddy
I do get at least a couple days off a week, so this morning we had some play time and this is what Maximus had to say. I think he'll definitely be ready for his first trip to New Orleans next month.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Maximus works, too

Location:Noel Rd,Dallas,United States
Friday, November 25, 2011
Maximus, the Entertainer
...or perhaps, the Entertainee. Here's a little something we snagged last night in between changings. He's been in a good mood all day, as evidenced here, which allowed us to get some Black Friday shopping in and then watch the LSU-Arkansas game in its entirety, plus a game of washers in the backyard.
Wylie, TX, USA
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wake Up!
We've had fun with Max over the past month or so. He's gotten into advanced baby techniques, such as keeping his head afloat, not crying for no reason, and staring at things farther than 1 foot away, and jamming out to They Might Be Giants. He still acknowledges his hero/real father, Cardboard Saban, and still enjoys violent and loud movies. With work consuming most of my time since I started back, and especially now that I started the second season of Big Rich Texas earlier this month (please don't watch it), I struggle to find any quality time. I do usually get a couple days off each week, but never on the weekends. So it's just me babysitting and trying to get random things done around the house. Most recently I finished putting up our TVs outside and changed out our leaking garbage disposal. And perhaps most importantly, got some updated pictures of Max. More to come.
Courtney snagged this one of Max staring away in his room |
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Happy Halloween (a little late - I know)
Ever since we moved into the suburbs we have to make sure that we are home on Halloween for all the kiddos. The first year I was super excited when the doorbell rang and I bought the expensive candy. The next year we had Lucy so I spent time dreading when the doorbell rang because that meant I had to wrestle her back. Lucy tends to scare some kids with her bark and size. I don't know why they wouldn't love a 90+ pound dog pouncing out the door at full speed. This year I had excitement all over again. Max didn't go out trick or treating but did answer the door a few times in his costume. Newborn costumes are so girly but luckily my mom and I found this one ... and it glowed in the dark. We also wanted a costume that he could wear his skull booties that my mom had made while she was in Montana. Max spent the night confused that the doorbell kept ringing, Lucy was non-stop running/barking, and everyone seemed to want to take pictures.
Check it out .. I glow in the dark. |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
2 months - what a ride
Yesterday Max turned 2 months old and what a ride it has been. The delivery room seems like such a distant memory. Max has evolved into a little chatter box and it is hard for me to imagine our lives without his coos.
Max talking to his daddy. |
We had our 2 month doctor appointment yesterday. I am sure it is not the way Max envisioned his mini b'day ... being at the doctor's office getting immunization shots. He has been a little fussy and hopefully will return to his cheerful self soon.
Weight: 11.14 lbs
Height: 23 1/2 in.
The doctor concluded that Max is going to have to wear sunscreen even with a full moon. Yes, our poor ginger takes pale to a new spectrum. Most redheads have freckles to provide them a little color and Max hasn't developed his yet. In due time.
We have been busy around the Faison house since I started back to work. MiMi and Papa Faison were here last week and Grandma B showed up last night for a 2 week visit. We are blessed that starting on November 7th our friend Nicole will be looking after Max for his first year. We know that Max and Lucy will have the best care in the comforts of our own home. Going back to work has been rewarding. I have to admit that my brain was going to mush from not using it M-F. There is no analytical thinking or number crunching when it comes to taking care of a baby ... unless you are trying to keep track of feedings.
The weather has drastically changed in Dallas for the better! We got to break out Max's pants and footed pj's this past week. From the photo I think you can tell he enjoys wearing pants ... they make him feel like a man. Our observant child must have paid too much attention to his father. Hopefully, the weather will be great on Monday as well for all the tricker-treaters that come to meet Max at the door.
Stay tuned for Halloween photos.
Resting at the TX State Fair. |
The weather has drastically changed in Dallas for the better! We got to break out Max's pants and footed pj's this past week. From the photo I think you can tell he enjoys wearing pants ... they make him feel like a man. Our observant child must have paid too much attention to his father. Hopefully, the weather will be great on Monday as well for all the tricker-treaters that come to meet Max at the door.
Stay tuned for Halloween photos.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Max: Loud and Clear
The little man has become more vocal and aware in recent weeks, and we grabbed a couple of those moments in the video below. He'll start to recognize things that aren't ceiling fans and bright lights and yell at them, as if they'll move by the power of his voice. Last week, Courtney and Laura went on a mission to get him an "activity center" and I believe we've already gotten our money's worth out of that thing. I've already scheduled two speaking engagements for next month. Better act fast...bookings are filling up quickly!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Child of God
While we were visiting in Daphne, Max had his baptism at the same church Tyler and I were married 5 years ago. It was great to have both sets of grandparents present along with Uncle Adam, Uncle Hayden, Aunt Celsea, and Aunt Caitlyn. We also had great aunts present along with family friends. The Reverend Thack Dyson performed the baptism and Laura Crawford was Max's sponsor aka godmother.
Max's Baptism 9/25/2011 St. Paul's Episcopal |
Following the church service we went to the Holbein house for a party and give everyone a chance to hold the little one.
Tyler, Courtney, Laura & Robert with Max |
Friday, September 23, 2011
Travelling the Southeast
We weren't quite sure of how the new family would travel once we actually got on the road. Lucy has always had the whole backseat, and she used every bit of that real estate to go from window to window to keep an eye on everything outside the car. With Max and a parent now taking up the backseat, Lucy has been demoted (or promoted, depending on how you look at it) to the trunk. On top of that, she still has to share that space with Max's stroller and other junk. She's actually done pretty well with it though. Her main priority is to make sure she's in the car so she doesn't get left. She's always the first one in and the first one out. Max is a pretty good rider. He just sleeps 90% of the time and poops the other 10%. Very little crying and very little playing. So we made it to our destinations a little quicker than we anticipated, which was great. More playtime for all of us!
West Point, MS, USA
Thursday, September 22, 2011
A Mississippi Adventure
We just left Bruce, MS where Tyler had a tiny family reunion. Mee Maw's house was happening Wednesday night with Aunt Donna, Aunt Angie, and Tyler's cousins (Chris, Matt, and Dewayne). It was great for the guys to spend time together while I chatted away with the aunts and Mee Maw. I think all the boys came over for Donna's cooking (ham, beans, potato salad, and blueberry crunch). It dawned on me when the guys were together that this is probably the first time in a long time that they have been able to talk without the distractions of wives, kids, and other siblings. The last time Tyler and I were in Bruce was for Mee Maw's 80th birthday which was 5 years ago. Tyler and I were newly weds and living in Tuscaloosa then. Seems like forever ago. In just 5 short years Tyler and I moved to Dallas, built a house, and started a family.
I think my favorite part of the trip was looking through all of Mee Maw's photos of all the Faisons especially since my little one resembles that side of the family most. Tyler got a chance to see his own baby photo. Lets just say that he finally understands why EVERYONE says that Max resembles him. The only thing that Max is lacking is a little bit more fat. Tyler was a little chub when he was a kid. I love a fat baby and I'm trying to get little Max to plump up. Max's hair is also a little bit more red than Tyler's so I am thinking that he has the MacDougal red hair from my mom's side. That's right ... Max was destined for red hair with Tyler and I both having it in our family lines. My mom's red hair comes from a family line that skips a generation. Since my mom has red hair it was inevitable that either my brother or myself would have a little ginger. They say red hair is becoming obsolete so Mister Max will be one-of-a-kind.
We are one our way to Alabama. Max is sleeping, Lucy is in the back, and I am signing off.
~ Courtney
Aunt Donna and Max |
Max thinks Dewayne is funny. It is probably the Mississippi accent. |
~ Courtney
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A road trip doesn't have quite the same ring as it once did it college. Sure, jumping in the car with two roommates with few plans and even fewer responsibilities is fun. Why wouldn't it be? But when you take the guys out of the equation and add a wife, baby, and a newborn, it's a whole different road trip. Not really in a bad way, just a different kind of fun. For instance, instead of picking up a guy on the interstate and taking him back to his house to get a tire iron is no longer an option...mainly because we have no room, but also because we spend our downtime looking for large areas of grass with no cars around and dog-friendly hotels. If we aren't driving, we are sleeping. If we aren't sleeping, we are trying to soothe Max. If we aren't trying to soothe Max, we're giving Lucy some leftover love. You get the picture.
We are on our way to Bruce, MS to visit my Mee Maw, Aunt Donna, Aunt Angie, and my cousin Chris. We had a chance to FaceTime with Angie and Mee Maw a couple weeks ago, but obviously it's a little different in person. After an overnight stay there, we'll head down to Daphne to see both of our immediate families. My Dad and I are going up to the Bama-Arkansas game on Saturday, where the Razorbacks will be thoroughly dismantled without regard, and we'll have Max's baptism at Courtney's home church on Sunday. We'll stay for a few more days before we make our trek to Jacksonville, FL to visit Courtney's sister and her husband, Ryan and Rebecca, as well as head down to Gainesville for the Bama-Florida, where another SEC for will incur the wrath of Coach Saban and his minions. Eventually we'll make it back to Dallas sometime that week, probably around October 5thish (However, if any thieves are reading this, we are actually at home, fully armed). So basically two weeks away will give us a chance to get away without really getting away at all. I mean c'mon, who wouldn't want this?

Location:Grenada, MS
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Clean baby = photo shoot
Max got a real bath today like a big boy infant. He enjoyed the water in the beginning and then there was a change of heart, so there was a little screaming.
"I'm a little worried these fools don't know what they are doing." |
Lucky for us the tantrums ended when he got all warm in his towel and had a little snuggle time with mommy.
"Hi Daddy, what's up?" |
After we were all clean it was time for us to finally take those newborn photos. The photo shoot took a LONG time with multiple feedings to help soothe, constant clean up of baby poo, and a constant battle of inserting/removing the pacifier. But ... we got it done.
![]() |
This one didn't make the cut but I just loved his facial expression. |
Lucy guarding the nursery during the photo shoot. |
Sorry for not posting. We will try to update every other day with photos and quick tid-bits for everyone. We know how much Max is changing and that photos need to be shared.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
At home ...
Happy Boy 8/30/11 |
I hate to be a cliche but when we arrived home from the hospital, Tyler and I looked at each other and our expressions said it all ... "now what?!" With Max being 10 days overdue, I "thought" I was fully prepared for his arrival home. However, bringing home a baby is a totally different experience. You build a routine at the hospital however your home is not set up the same way. For instance, my bed at home doesn't have an awesome upright button for feeding and decline for sleeping ... something I truly miss! We have made it work though and I think we have a good routine established leaving me the opportunity to write this blog. :)
Snuggling with Mommy |
Nap time with Daddy |
We were also blessed to come home from the hospital to a house full of groceries. Our amazing friends, the Schweizers, brought by an assortment of goodies for us. And the best thing is that Courtney (Schweizer) made sure there were plenty of fruit and veggies for me. Love her for that! Also love the fact that they got me sandwich meat since you can't have it when you are pregnant. First thing I did when I got home ... had Tyler make me a turkey sandwich! Robert and Laura Crawford also brought by a lasagna to put into the freezer. I am looking forward to it later this week.
Today we had another reminder that Max is home ... he received his first package.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hospital Living
Maximus gets some rest...something he is very good at |
Nap time with Daddy |
These forceps ain't no joke |
We've also had a carousel of visitors as Max turned 1 day old today. Don't worry, we aren't going to make blog videos about every day of Max's life...unless we get a fat corporate sponsorship. Yesterday we had Laura Crawford, Nicole Pierce, and the Schweizer's and today we had Melanie (Murray) Eidson, Robert and Laura Crawford, Nicole Pierce and Forrest Perry all stop in for a round of visits. Along with the beautiful flowers in the room, everyone made us feel right at home.
![]() |
Happy Mommy just moments after delivery |
Daddy (left), Mommy (right), Max (middle), and Lucy (not pictured) ready for home |
All in all, we are ready to go home and be a happy family with
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Drumroll Please...
3500 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX 75246, USA
At The Hospital
Obviously, we're at the hospital...but here's a video to prove it. And by today, Courtney means yesterday (Tuesday, 8/23/11)
Good Food, Good Meat - 8.22.11 Update
Super busy day. I finally got around to finishing this last night and just had the opportunity to post this.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Change of Scenery
We are, in fact, at the hospital. We got a call as I was on my way home from pseudo-working that there was an opening. Some lady apparently delivered between yesterday and lunch time today, so here we are. After some light paperwork, the nurses came in to take blood yada yada yada, and then Dr. Gunby showed up for Stage 1 of our induction process, which was to give Courtney the cervidil. This will soften her cervix and prepare it for "the big push." She's having contractions constantly after having sharp pains late last night. These are hurting a bit more than the ones over the weekend, so we're hopeful that this is all just really good timing. It's taken me about an hour to write this because I've been helping Courtney get up to use the bathroom, shift sides, etc., so just imagine how long last night's video is taking. Laura Crawford just brought me some Church's chicken, so I'm gonna scarf it down before I get called back into action. Stay tuned for more.
Don't Fret, Update Coming Soon
We're off this morning to the Ballard Street Cafe here in Wylie for breakfast. After that, I'll be back ready to post the video update from yesterday. Look for it around lunchtime. In the meantime, enjoy the fact that Courtney's baby progress app on her iPhone told her congratulations yesterday on her new baby boy! Technology fails us again.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Doctor Appt. Update
We met with the doctor today to see our progress. Unfortunately, we are in the same position we were last Wednesday. The doctor indicated that due to our lack of progress that an induction would be inevitable. We currently do not have a date that we will be induced because the hospital's elective beds were all scheduled. Since I am approaching 42 weeks, my doctor is trying to get me in. We have to call our doctor tomorrow.
~ Courtney
~ Courtney
Breakdown and Shopping - 8.21.11 Update
Lots happened today. We had an emotional breakdown in the wee hours of the morning, but made our way through it to end with a great day.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Sea of Nothingness - 8.20.11 Update
Nothing much really went on today. For such a big moment, you'd think we might be pretty excited!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Doula and Trees - 8.19.11 Update
We discuss our decision to hire a doula, redefine Tyler's role, and show some finishing touches.
Ten's Company - 8.18.11 Update
We've got more company and another project unfolds.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Doctor Visit & a Treat - 8.17.11 Update
Big day today. We had a doctor's appointment that we almost didn't make it to, a hair appointment that we weren't going to miss, and we welcome some more visitors.
Impatience, Walking, and Burgers - 8.16.11 Update
Still playing the waiting game, but this time we're going on the offense.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
First Time Grandparents
Tyler's parents talk about picking out their grandparent names for the first time.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Still Waiting - 8.15.11 Update
Still no baby...or is there!?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Shopping and Movies - 8.14.11 Update
Courtney & Cathy go shopping and we all go to the movies.
(Due to a technical error, Tyler will not appear in today's update <commence crying>)
(Due to a technical error, Tyler will not appear in today's update <commence crying>)
Due Date ... came and went
Well, August 13th has come and gone with no Max. I did suspect that Max would take his time like his father. It feels as though I have been waiting for an eternity but I think that is just because I have been home on bed rest. The following article within FitPregnancy reminds me that counting down to your due date is a bad idea.
- First time moms, if left alone to go into labor naturally tend to be pregnant for about 41 weeks and 1 day. Women who’ve had babies before tend to deliver around 40 weeks and 3 days. Only about 10% of women go longer than 42 weeks. That’s average.
So I guess I have one more week and a day (if we go by the average) ...
One thing I am sure of ... Max WILL come (just at his own time) and we will be ready!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Overdue +2 - 8.13.11 Update
Today is Max's due date and we have a few special guests.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Painting the Town - 8.12.11 Update
Today we eat eggs, finish the patio, and get batteries! So exciting we made a movie about it.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Movies and Top Golf - 8.11.11 Update
Another day, another adventure. Check out today's update.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Getting Into The Swing Of Things - 8.10.11 Update
Today was all about the doctor, a swing, and ham.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tuesday is Kid's Day
What's new today, you ask? Good food and more work.
The Last Hurrah - 8.8.11 Update
We're going to do a daily video update up until Max arrives to keep everyone informed of how things are progressing. And yes, we do realize that Monday was indeed the 8th, not the 9th as stated in the video.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Today, I have mastered the art of bed rest nesting ... spend hours on www.marthastewart.com getting cleaning tips. I am a huge Martha fan especially post prison (she is just a little more down to Earth / human). I've learned a lot of great things from her website over the years and my desire to clean today made me go straight to her site and do additional research. Here are some things I have learned that I consider invaluable:
- Cleaning Windows - Throw out your windex especially if you have a dog that loves to get their nose right up to the window to try and smell the UPS man. Windex does NOTHING for dog snot and I am sure little kid sticky fingers!
- Get a small pail or big bowl
- Fill it with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of hot water. Vinegar is cheap so buy the big jug and store it with your cleaning supplies
- Using a washcloth or sponge wash the window - no elbow grease needed thanks to the vinegar
- Martha recommends using a squeegee which I have also found to be very helpful and an inexpensive purchase. Starting at an upper corner, draw down the pane from top to bottom using the squeegee. Overlap strokes and wipe the rubber edge after each stroke. Touch up edges with a paper towel. No squeegee then paper towels work just as well.
- See Martha's technique in this video
- *Fun Fact I learned today on Martha's site: to clean/disinfect kid's bath toys - fill a bucket with 1/2 cup of vinegar for 1 gallon of warm water; soak toys for 10 minutes; then rub gently with sponge and let dry.
- Votive Cleaner - My love of candles leaves me with lots of burned votives and a break-your-finger-nails-scraping situation at the end. Martha taught me that all you have to do to clean out your glass votive containers is just freeze the containers and voila out pops your candle remains (no scraping / cursing needed).
- Carryall Apron - This is something I thought was such a great idea. Right now I just lug my bucket full of cleaning supplies upstairs and all around the house. Martha recommends just taking a plain white kitchen apron:
- Turn up the bottom 12 to 18 inches to create storage compartments.
- Determine pocket widths by using the size of your cleaning supplies as guides.
- Stitch vertically using a sewing machine.
- Martha's Checklist - I LOVE these and have even downloaded them and made minor adjustments (for example, exclude the cleaning of the library since we don't have one)
Martha sure does make me want to clean, be more green, and cook better food. Who inspires/motivates you?
~ Courtney
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Baby Luncheon at work
On Thursday, all the lovely ladies at my office threw me a baby luncheon. It was so perfect and elephant themed from the invite, books, napkin rings, and grey/white m&ms. It was great to get to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Mr. Max with all of them. I think they all agreed that getting the ladies together for lunch needs to happen more often. ;)
Thanks again for a wonderful luncheon .... Elizabeth, Jody, Tiffany, Joey, Erin, Ashley, Adrienne, Jessica, Sarah, Jill, and Susan. Baby update: Max and I went in for our weekly checkup on Wednesday. Things started off not so good with a high blood pressure reading of 130/100. After laying on my left side in the examining room, we were able to get my pressure to normal. The doctor put me on partial bed rest which means stop thinking you are invincible and slow down. So I am laying on my left side for more than half of the day however I have the freedom to be up and about for a couple hours at a time before I need to lay back down. I saw the doctor again today (Saturday) where my pressure reading was better but still not excellent. He did notice that my swelling had decreased significantly. I guess that is what happens when you aren't in this heat and laying down in a 65 degree house with the fan running at all times. *Sometimes I feel like Father of the Bride II, soon Tyler will be wearing a coat and mittens in the house like Steve Martin.* The good news from today's doctor visit is that he is not going to induce me like originally thought on Wednesday. We will see him on Wednesday and see how things progress. As of right now Max is no where near ready to make his debut (too much like his father, just chillin').
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Pseudo Sabbatical
Today is going to be my last day of work for a few weeks. At least that's what I keep telling myself. I figure there's plenty of time to work the rest of my life, so I'll take this time to focus on what's seemingly more important. Courtney may be satisfied with telling her boss that she's going home at 3:30pm every day, but when you have no boss you can just not go.
I'm not sure exactly what I'll do. We've painted Max's room, got the crib, assembled countless swings and swing-like non-swings. We do have a carseat that needs to be installed. I think I can handle that. Maybe I'll find some YouTube videos on how to raise a kid or something.

A typical day in the life of a location sound mixer could have me occupied for 10-15 hours. It'll be much easier to not have to replace myself at the last minute. And what better show to leave on than a story about falling prey to parasites!? Check out Monster Inside Me on Animal Planet. And since I try to include at least one photo in each post, here's Lucy sunbathing on our back patio.
I'm not sure exactly what I'll do. We've painted Max's room, got the crib, assembled countless swings and swing-like non-swings. We do have a carseat that needs to be installed. I think I can handle that. Maybe I'll find some YouTube videos on how to raise a kid or something.
A typical day in the life of a location sound mixer could have me occupied for 10-15 hours. It'll be much easier to not have to replace myself at the last minute. And what better show to leave on than a story about falling prey to parasites!? Check out Monster Inside Me on Animal Planet. And since I try to include at least one photo in each post, here's Lucy sunbathing on our back patio.
Location:Chestnut St,Teague,United States
Monday, August 1, 2011
Breaking records
I always said that I would never be pregnant in the Texas summer and now look at me. When I calculated the due date of Mr. Max, I told everyone that this summer would be record breaking just because I always said I would never be pregnant in the summer. Tyler said I was jumping on my conclusion mat a little too early to be predicting in January that we would have a record breaking heat wave. But I was right all along ... here is a quote from today's Dallas Morning News:
"It turns out that summer was just getting warmed up. After a month of triple-digit heat in DFW, temperatures are expected to hit 107 or 108 for the next three days, triggering an excessive heat warning."
"At 30 days and counting, the current heat wave is the second-longest triple-digit streak in Dallas history."
Reading this article just makes me want a popsicle and to sit under a fan with my A/C on 66. Fair warning to the soon-to-be-grandparents when you come visit ... it is HOT!!!
"It turns out that summer was just getting warmed up. After a month of triple-digit heat in DFW, temperatures are expected to hit 107 or 108 for the next three days, triggering an excessive heat warning."
"At 30 days and counting, the current heat wave is the second-longest triple-digit streak in Dallas history."
Reading this article just makes me want a popsicle and to sit under a fan with my A/C on 66. Fair warning to the soon-to-be-grandparents when you come visit ... it is HOT!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Grillin' Like A Villain
Part of our back patio are includes an "outdoor kitchen". Basically it's just a grill and countertop bar area. We've scoured the Great State of Texas to find the perfect grill for us, and I think we found it.

The Texas Two-Step is half infrared and half traditional. Our version operates on LP, and both burners use the same amount of energy. The ceramic burner gets super hot, up to 1600°F in fact, so you can sear the meat to keep the juices in and then cook evenly. Allegedly all the high-end steak houses have this technology, and as of today, so do we. It arrived and will be installed during the construction process late next week. Updated photos of the concrete patio to come shortly.
The Texas Two-Step is half infrared and half traditional. Our version operates on LP, and both burners use the same amount of energy. The ceramic burner gets super hot, up to 1600°F in fact, so you can sear the meat to keep the juices in and then cook evenly. Allegedly all the high-end steak houses have this technology, and as of today, so do we. It arrived and will be installed during the construction process late next week. Updated photos of the concrete patio to come shortly.
Location:Crabapple Dr,Wylie,United States
5th Year Anniversary
Yesterday was our 5th year wedding anniversary. We spent the night with a gondola ride in the canals of Las Colinas (suburb of Dallas) and then dinner at Al Biernats (a famous steakhouse in Dallas). I thought I would share just a little of Tyler's letter to me that made me cry like a baby.
It only seems like yesterday ....
Its been an amazing 5 years and what makes me the happiest is that it has just begun.
All I could keep saying through my tears was "It has just begun!"
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Push It
Our conversations even surround other pregnant people and stories now. Over a breakfast snack session at Waffle House on our day off, for baby reasons albeit, my scattered and covered hashbrowns needed some salt and pepper, which prompted a conversation about Salt N Peppa that led to this rendition of "Push It." Enjoy. Also of note, the staff was adamant that if we had the baby in Waffle House that I be on Friday, when they are all off.
Location:Waffle House in Plano, TX
Monday, July 18, 2011
A mobile for Max
I couldn't seem to make up my mind when it came to a mobile for the nursery. The nursery doesn't really have a theme so it wasn't the easiest decision. After hours of searching online, I finally saw a really cute pinwheel mobile on Etsy and was inspired to make it myself. Here are some photos of the finished product:

Making the mobile was quite simple once you gather all the supplies at your local craft store. In all honesty, the hardest part was picking out the paper. I went with the black and white theme since all the books say that babies can't resist being mesmerized by the contrasting colors. And if I am going to go through all the trouble of making a mobile then Max better be mesmerized. ;)

First, you cut the scrapbook paper into 6x6 squares. The one and only Martha Stewart makes this awesome paper cutter that makes your life ten times easier if you are willing to shell out the $20.

Then you take every other corner and put a tiny hole in it, along with a hole in the middle.You connect the holes with a brad and push it in the middle.
Then you have your finished product. A pinwheel.

The last stage is to attach the pinwheels to the wire mobile with monofilament. My husband hooked me up with a c-stand that is used for lights on the film set. This allowed me to sit and view my project while I worked. Thanks babe!
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