We just left Bruce, MS where Tyler had a tiny family reunion. Mee Maw's house was happening Wednesday night with Aunt Donna, Aunt Angie, and Tyler's cousins (Chris, Matt, and Dewayne). It was great for the guys to spend time together while I chatted away with the aunts and Mee Maw. I think all the boys came over for Donna's cooking (ham, beans, potato salad, and blueberry crunch). It dawned on me when the guys were together that this is probably the first time in a long time that they have been able to talk without the distractions of wives, kids, and other siblings. The last time Tyler and I were in Bruce was for Mee Maw's 80th birthday which was 5 years ago. Tyler and I were newly weds and living in Tuscaloosa then. Seems like forever ago. In just 5 short years Tyler and I moved to Dallas, built a house, and started a family.
Aunt Donna and Max |
I think my favorite part of the trip was looking through all of Mee Maw's photos of all the Faisons especially since my little one resembles that side of the family most. Tyler got a chance to see his own baby photo. Lets just say that he finally understands why EVERYONE says that Max resembles him. The only thing that Max is lacking is a little bit more fat. Tyler was a little chub when he was a kid. I love a fat baby and I'm trying to get little Max to plump up. Max's hair is also a little bit more red than Tyler's so I am thinking that he has the MacDougal red hair from my mom's side. That's right ... Max was destined for red hair with Tyler and I both having it in our family lines. My mom's red hair comes from a family line that skips a generation. Since my mom has red hair it was inevitable that either my brother or myself would have a little ginger. They say red hair is becoming obsolete so Mister Max will be one-of-a-kind.
Max thinks Dewayne is funny. It is probably the Mississippi accent. |
We are one our way to Alabama. Max is sleeping, Lucy is in the back, and I am signing off.
~ Courtney
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