Tuesday, August 30, 2011

At home ...

Happy Boy    8/30/11
As you can tell by the lack of blog posts, we have been a little occupied with learning Max's routine.  We are so blessed to have such a good baby but who knew that even a good baby was so much work!  My oldest sister, Melissa, came into Dallas last Friday when we were discharged from the hospital to provide much needed help/relief.  She and Josh (my oldest nephew who's birthday was Max's due date) left this morning to return to Alabama.  It was not only great to spend time with my sister but also have someone with recent baby experience to lean on during our transition from hospital to home.  I also want to thank Lester, Elli, and Nathan for sacrificing their momma to help me.  Melissa was great because she allowed Tyler and I the chance to figure it out on our own and just be there with added suggestions which is what we truly needed.  

I hate to be a cliche but when we arrived home from the hospital, Tyler and I looked at each other and our expressions said it all ... "now what?!"  With Max being 10 days overdue, I "thought" I was fully prepared for his arrival home.  However, bringing home a baby  is a totally different experience.  You build a routine at the hospital however your home is not set up the same way.  For instance, my bed at home doesn't have an awesome upright button for feeding and decline for sleeping ... something I truly miss!  We have made it work though and I think we have a good routine established leaving me the opportunity to write this blog.  :)
Snuggling with Mommy

Nap time with Daddy
We were also blessed to come home from the hospital to a house full of groceries.  Our amazing friends, the Schweizers, brought by an assortment of goodies for us.  And the best thing is that Courtney (Schweizer) made sure there were plenty of fruit and veggies for me.  Love her for that!  Also love the fact that they got me sandwich meat since you can't have it when you are pregnant.  First thing I did when I got home ... had Tyler make me a turkey sandwich!    Robert and Laura Crawford also brought by a lasagna to put into the freezer.  I am looking forward to it later this week.

Today we had another reminder that Max is home ... he received his first package.  


  1. Cute, Tyler...Holding Max like Mark Ingram holds a football. RMR!

  2. Happy boy looks just like Tyler! So cute!
    Hi Max! Glad you're home!

    Aunt Patti


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