Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Time with Willie the Elf

Willie the Elf joined our family this Christmas to make sure Maximus and Camille were good little children.

It was pretty impressive to see how fast Max could find Willie each morning. Max requested that Willie go to visit Santa with him so that he could tell Santa how good he had been, I emphasized (again) that Willie goes each night to tell Santa but Max didn't believe me so he wanted to be there when Willie told Santa.  Thats our kid making sure that the "truth" is being told to the big man in the North Pole. It was also a little sad when he wanted Willie to see how many toys he got this year for being good ... "I show Willie" ... and I had to explain that Willie had already gone to the North Pole to be with Santa.  As much as I was excited and dreaded the Elf on the Shelf, it wasn't as hard as I thought to entertain a 3yr old and due to Max being so good at finding him I didn't lose too many minutes off my morning routine.  I look forward to Willie returning next year.  See you soon Willie as I am aware how fast a year can fly by.  Here is a tribute to our little Elf ...


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