Is the bag packed? No. Has the car seat been installed? No, but we did finally order it. Have we had our childbirth classes? No, but those are scheduled for next week. Do we have a pediatrician yet? No, but on the to-do list.
Other than those few minor items, I think we are ready. :)
Tyler has finally had some off days so we have luckily been able to catch up on a lot of open items. The glider was delivered yesterday. The wall art has been hung in the nursery. The pack n' play / bassinet has been assembled. And Lucy has had quality time with her favorite person (her daddy).
Right now nothing is on the calendar until his arrival so I can rest my swollen feet and prepare for the biggest adventure of our lives.
Oh, we had our doctor visit yesterday. Everything is on schedule. And starting next week we will see the doctor every Wednesday. Just another reminder that we are in the final weeks and Max's arrival will be here before we know it.
~ Courtney
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