Cinco de Mayo is one of my favorite holidays.
1) It is just 2 days before my birthday so it is a celebration before my celebration
2) My love of margaritas makes this holiday extra special
3) Dips, Chips, and cheese ... oh my!
Even though this year I can't celebrate with multiple margaritas and a few tequila shots, I will have another reason to celebrate. Today begins a special countdown to my due date.
Only 100 more days! Now I know I am not the one who decides Max's big entry into this world but it is crazy to think that we are even remotely near 100 days. Where has the last 6 months gone by! How is it my birthday already! As summertime approaches I am reminded how fast the time will go by and how Tyler and I need to make time for each other before our family has a new member.
Hope everyone has a big margarita today! Drink one for me and enjoy a big basket of chips.