Belly Pains
The belly is starting to grow at huge rates and pretty soon I believe I will be in the "oh she is pregnant stage" instead of the current stage of "is she pregnant or just fat." With the growing belly comes stretching pain. I can't seem to get comfortable at night and sitting for long periods of time. I invested in a pregnancy pillow called the snoogle to help me get more comfortable. Basically you use it to wrap around your body for added comfort. It helps most nights and keeps me from rolling onto my back which has been deemed a no-no in your 2nd-3rd trimester. I got the great pillow idea from the movie The Backup Plan. If it was good enough for J-Lo then it is good enough for me. j/k I know for a fact that Lucy loves the pillow. Every morning she takes my place in the bed all snuggled up against the snoogle. Sometimes she takes my spot when I just get up for a pee break.
you crack me she pregnant or just fat. I'm sure you are adorable, and I can't wait to see you in person!!