Friday, March 25, 2011


I haven't had any weird cravings like pickles and ice cream mixed together; at least not yet. But when I feel like I want something, I need it right then. This baby has me craving food that I don't normally eat like bean burritos from Taco Bell. As Tyler knows, I don't eat Taco Bell. But apparently Tyler's baby does. I'm posting this blog as I sit back and enjoy this week's craving ... carrots. I have had so many carrots in the last week that this baby should have x-ray vision. I prefer this craving way more than the bean burrito one.

There has been one craving has stayed throughout my entire pregnancy ... fried chicken and french fries. I can eat that for any meal. I guess I get that one from my dad. As my family knows, my dad HAS to have fried chicken when he goes on road trips. So far I have enough control power (as of right now) to limit myself to this craving twice a week at the most. Now my bread craving, that is a different story.

Next week is the cruise where I get to see what crazy food I crave while I am on a boat. Happy eating everyone!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Growing Up Fast

So I guess the baby is now about -5 months old, and oh has it changed dramatically. It has set world records in the following categories:
  • Tallest child by Tyler & Courtney Faison
  • Heaviest child by Tyler & Courtney Faison
  • Longest toes by any child...ever
This was my first trip in the sonogram room since the very first confirmation of a heartbeat. Based on my lone previous experience, I wasn't expecting to see much, or at least know what I was looking at, but I was blown away. We were able to clearly see legs, arms, toes, rib cage, big brain matter, . I think the weirdest part was watching it literally suck a thumb. I know we're supposed to be good parents, but how do you stop bad habits from developing before the kid is even developed!? I guess that's just one of those questions that'll just have to go unanswered. It also yawned several times, which I'm to assume is from all the moving around. I'm guessing that it's camera shy, cause it didn't want seem too interested in getting its picture taken.

I think the coolest part of the whole experience was for me to be able to see what Courtney is feeling. She'll always say, "Ohh, I think it kicked!" and I'm just like, "Whatever. It's all in your mind." Now that I've seen it frolic about in the field that is her belly, I believe her. So if we got anything out of the trip, it's validation that Courtney isn't making up all of this stuff after all.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Belly Pains

The belly is starting to grow at huge rates and pretty soon I believe I will be in the "oh she is pregnant stage" instead of the current stage of "is she pregnant or just fat." With the growing belly comes stretching pain. I can't seem to get comfortable at night and sitting for long periods of time. I invested in a pregnancy pillow called the snoogle to help me get more comfortable. Basically you use it to wrap around your body for added comfort. It helps most nights and keeps me from rolling onto my back which has been deemed a no-no in your 2nd-3rd trimester. I got the great pillow idea from the movie The Backup Plan. If it was good enough for J-Lo then it is good enough for me. j/k I know for a fact that Lucy loves the pillow. Every morning she takes my place in the bed all snuggled up against the snoogle. Sometimes she takes my spot when I just get up for a pee break.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Time flies by, maybe a little too fast.

As much as I want the time to fly by so that I can soon learn the sex of our little one and then meet him/her face to face. I was reminded this weekend that maybe I shouldn't wish for such things. This Saturday was Olivia Kate's first birthday.
I met her mom Jessica my first year in TX when we both worked for Deloitte. She had this beautiful baby last year and it was a definite reminder that time moves WAY too fast these days. I can remember very vividly where I was when Jess texted me she was at the hospital. I remember cooking food and dropping it by their house when they were home from the hospital. I can remember holding little Olivia for the first time. She was so tiny and petite like her momma. I also remember being Jessica's helper one day in August when I was between jobs. Olivia didn't even crawl then and slept in her baby carrier half the day. And now she is ONE ... walking, dancing, and getting everyone's attention. Olivia also became a cousin 3 weeks ago. So not only am I at this party thinking how big Olivia has become in just a short amount of time, I have her twin cousins to compare. The babies were so tiny and helpless, while Olivia was walking around and being the star of the show. So much changes in just 1 year!

Tyler and I are in week 17. The baby is the size of a female hand (or a sweet potato) and weighs 5 ounces. I turn my hand over each day thinking that there is a baby inside of me that is the same size. Crazy! And then I am reminded how fast time flies by again. Just a few weeks ago our baby was the size of small fruit and now the books are comparing it to human hands and veggies.