So, Courtney and I got to travel to Wylie (get used to it) to take a closer look at what these guys have going. From what we saw, we are very happy. Besides the construction looking like it should, besides the couple of "What's that?"s by me, we finally realized how large our backyard will be. LARGE (above). We're both very happy about that. Finally...grass that's ours and not the City of Tuscaloosa's or Dallas'. The guys have a little over half of the first floor framed up, not including whatever they did after we left. About a half-dozen Mexicans showed up as we toured our 2x4s, along with some radio station we didn't understand, at least I didn't. Courtney did take a couple semesters of Spanish in high school, but I don't think it quite held. I definitely know more French than she knows Spanish, as we found out at a local Chinese place that is about a mile or so from this house. We went to the local Albertson's and China Fang restaurant to check out what we were getting in to, and we were very satisfied overall. The Albertson's was just what Courtney was looking for and the China Fang definitely delivered, no pun intended. Here are some more photos of basically the same as yesterday, but maybe a little more detailed, including the even-big-for-Texas backyard. By the way, both of our neighbors are one-story houses while ours is a two-story. Who knows how far they'll get next week!?

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