How did this year come to a close so quickly?! The babes are growing like weeds. Miss Camille is growing more curls each day. Max keeps upping his shoe size every month and making his new pants look like capris. As with all holiday seasons, we have been busy making memories and having fellowship with friends / family. Below are some photos capturing our days in preparation for the BIG day.
Snowman pancake breakfast - thanks to "B" |
Curls, curls, and more curls |
Dallas Children's Parade Curious George |
Dallas Children's Parade Giant Balloons! |
Our home all decorated for the holiday season. Max demanded more lights. So Tyler trimmed the roof and got "Santa stop here" sign. |
Willie came back ... |
Max had a playdate with Maddie. They decorated "ginger"bread men. |
Camille decorated too |