Saturday, June 27, 2015

Swim till you can't swim anymore

First swim of the summer in the books. It's been raining a lot this spring which kept pools closed and cold. It took us almost to the 4th of July to find our way to a pool. Max almost jumped back in as if he didn't miss a beat however he was a bit hesitant at first. We were so close to loosing the floaties last summer but with Tyler traveling I just couldn't throw him in without them just yet. He had a blast and I'm confident this is the summer for him to be swimming independently (no floaties). 

 It was Camille's first time in a pool (technically). We bought a tube for her dang her feet and float in ... not a fan. So we sat her in it ... that was better. But her absolute favorite time occurred sitting on the edge just like her big brother years ago (see May 2012 blog). 

We were at the Clarks pool and the boys (Max and Harrison) were defending the hot tub (not turned on) against the the girls in the pool. Super cute!

Camille was famished after her swim day and put down lots of fruit, applesauce, Cheerios, and an entire hot dog. 

Can't wait for more pictures and video as the summer has just begun. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dance, Dance, Dance

My kids got the moves.  As hard as they may try, the music takes over and they can't hold back ... GOT TO DANCE.  I have zero clue where they get this from. ;)

Camille knew she was on camera but once the music picked up she just couldn't let a little camera hold her back from feeling the beat.

 Maximus at Gloria's getting down with his buddy Harrison.  Harrison danced a little but Maximus felt the urge to take it to a whole different level.