Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Name Wars

As some of you may know, and some of you have already assumed, Courtney and I generally have very different opinions on quite a few things. And they always seem to be big, "important" issues; in this case, the name of our first born. Whether we have a boy or girl, we knew it would take a while to agree on something. The subject has risen before in general conversation over the years, and every time either one of us threw out a possible name, the common reaction was "What!? That's not gonna happen." And so the battle began.

Courtney's suggestions are sometimes good, but I'm too stubborn to cross over to the dark side of Ethan and Cooper (no offense to any Ethans and Coopers reading this). I'm more of a Jason Faison kind of guy. I like a name that has a nice ring to it. Richie Rich, Mickey Rooney, Alli Bama, etc. Those are all names that you can't forget, right? Apparently so, but not in the positive way that I thought. We're "supposed" to have something traditional that won't embarrass the child. So I backed off a little and went with some more tame names. For a girl, we actually both found one that we liked...a lot. Aeva. Or is it Ava? Well, we both thought differently for different reasons and I'll just leave it at that. We were both hung on our versions and decided, "If we're not gonna do it my way, then we're not gonna do it at all." So that was that. Who knows what name we'll end up seeing on the birth certificate? We definitely know what it won't be. Jane Doe. We're two very proud parents-to-be and will definitely find something that suits us...tradition and phonetics included.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Doctor visit #3

I had a doctors appointment today to hear the heartbeat, pee in a cup, and have my weight taken. All good news ... we heard the baby, I still have no problems peeing on command (thank you pregnancy), and my weight keeps escalating. Since I have no sonogram photos to share, Tyler and I thought we should share my first belly photo. The following photo was captured today (Feb. 24th).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Day in Dallas

It is another snow day here in Dallas. Tyler and I are both home probably along with every other person in Dallas (excluding my auditor friends, of course). The temperature in Plano is currently 16 degrees. To put that into perspective ... it is only 30 degrees in Anchorage. When did I decide to live in a place that is colder than Alaska?!? But when I am sad about the cold, I just think of this picture that I took of Lucy watching the snow fall. She loves the cold and the snow is just the sweet icing on the cake.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let the 2nd Trimester begin

Everyone says the 2nd Trimester is the best and I could already tell that it was going to be. The last few weeks I have been feeling normal (as normal as I can to have a rumbling tummy, hunger almost 24 hours a day, and tossing/turning in the night to get comfortable.) So today officially marks the first day of week 13 (The Second Trimester)! I guess I have been really looking forward to saying "sayonara" to nausea and my crappy energy levels, because my body played a cruel joke on me last night. Yes ... I spent my last night of the 1st Trimester hovered over a toilet. I've officially learned that everyday is a new day with pregnancy (I guess it is preparing me for having kids where nothing is planned or expected). Feeling great today ... bring on the weekend!


Friday, February 4, 2011

Visit to the doc #2

Last week we had our second appointment with the OBGYN. Nothing exciting but blood tests, checking weight and blood pressure, discussing tummy issues, and more importantly hearing the baby's heart beat on the Doppler. I was super excited to hear that heart beat again. When the nurse put the Doppler on my belly all she could hear was my tummy gurgling. She reassured me that after 20 years of listening she did hear the baby move but wanted me to hear the heartbeat for myself. She ordered a sonogram. So after all my complaining about my tummy issues, I finally got something positive out of it ... an unexpected additional view of our baby.
The above photo is the best out of the 4 since our little rockstar spent the entire session moving about and waving its little arms. All the photos were a blur. But I will take a blurry photo any day just to look up onto that screen and see our baby dancing around in my tummy. He/She measured in at just under 2 inches. It is crazy to see the transformation that has taken place in just one month between our December 29th photo and January 27th. Our baby has developed so much and the cluster of white spots is their facial bones and if you look close enough you can see the left arm bent (elbow facing northeast) towards the face with his/her hand in a fist near its cheek.
